全国咨询热线: 8:00~24:00
2018-09-26 14:59:26 来源:启德学游 浏览量:11499
Don’t let the problem defines you, it’s about what you believe.’——不要让问题定义你,关键是你相信什么!



It might not be something that is very obvious, but I have actually been struggling for the fact that I was studying in England for a very long time. It is definitely a great opportunity to study in a foreign country, but I also sacrificed a lot for that as well. Long for short, my experiences in foreign countries had not always been pleasant. Which is why it was such a turning point when our teacher Addison decided to talk to each every one of us and gave us a lot of insights. She said many things during the conversation, and one of the things she said was ‘Don’t let the problem defines you, it’s about what you believe.’. She told me that I can shape the problems to my will, and in the future when I encounter the problem I had faced before, it becomes easier for me. It was a mind blowing to me, as for the past years I had been blaming myself for the mistake I have done, and all the unpleasant from the past has never stop bothering me, but her words shows me the right way to face those problems and difficulty. As the problems and pain is no longer a burden if I overcome and learn from it, and from now on those experience I had will becomes my leverage and lead me to a better place.

  • 参加世界知名金融企业内部培训;新加坡国立大学教授亲自讲解商业课程;
  • 走遍澳洲名校及全能发展训练营项目,是启德学游运用世界最领先的实践教学模式,动用澳洲顶尖的稀缺教育资源,与中澳精英团队一起,为中国学生,量身打造这一含金量极高的游学项目。